High-Demand Tech Job Openings in Canada by 2024

By | January 19, 2024

Have you considered changing careers or entering a rapidly growing job field? If you have a background or an interest in technology, you are in luck. By 2024, technology-related jobs will be among the most in-demand in Canada. Whether you’re a software engineer, web developer, or IT security specialist, job opportunities in technology are booming.

Companies across Canada are looking for tech talent to help build apps, websites, AI systems, and more. Salaries in technology are high, with many positions paying more than $100,000 per year. You’ll get to work on exciting projects and use cutting-edge technology. The technology industry also allows you to work from home or remotely, giving you more flexibility and a better work-life balance.

High-Demand Tech Job Openings in Canada

If you’re looking for a new challenge or career path, Canada’s technology sector is the place to be. Brush up on your coding skills, create a strong portfolio of work, and prepare for future opportunities. The jobs of the future are in technology, so begin preparing now to land one of the most desirable positions. The future is technology, and Canada’s tech future appears to be very bright.

What are Technical Positions?

Tech jobs include positions in the technology field such as software engineering, web development, and IT. These positions are in high demand in Canada and are expected to expand over the next few years.

  1. Software Engineers.

Software engineers create, test, and maintain software and systems. This may include designing, developing, and testing operating system-level software, application software, and network software. Over 9,000 new positions are expected to open up in Canada by 2024, making this a rapidly growing field.

Web developers create and maintain websites and applications. They handle both technical and creative aspects, such as designing page layouts and writing code. The job outlook for web developers is promising, with over 8,000 new positions expected in the coming years.

2. IT Specialists.

IT specialists, such as systems analysts, network architects, and database administrators, plan, coordinate, and direct computer-related activities within an organization. They help determine a company’s IT needs and are in charge of implementing computer systems and networks. There are thousands of IT opportunities, with over 10,000 new jobs expected in Canada by 2024.

Other Roles

Other popular tech roles include UX/UI designers who create engaging user experiences and interfaces.

  • Data scientists analyze complex digital data to identify insights and patterns.
  • IT project managers lead and oversee technology projects from beginning to end.
  • Cybersecurity experts help protect networks, systems, and data from threats.

The technology field is vast, with numerous exciting career opportunities. Whether you’re interested in coding, web design, data, IT, or something else, there are numerous opportunities in Canada’s thriving technology sector. The future is tech, so now is the time to capitalize on the opportunities.

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High-Demand Technical Positions Opening Up in Canada by 2024

Tech companies across Canada are looking for top talent to fill emerging and in-demand roles. By 2024, it is expected that there will be over 230,000 jobs available in fields such as software engineering, data science, and IT security.

One of the hottest fields is software engineering. Companies require developers to create innovative web, mobile, and desktop applications. Java, C++, Python, and JavaScript are in high demand, as are skills in frameworks such as Angular and React. These positions provide competitive pay, benefits, and opportunities for career advancement.

Data science is another field that offers numerous opportunities. Data scientists are in high demand because they can help businesses gain insights from their data through statistical analysis, machine learning, and predictive modelling. If you have a background in mathematics, statistics, or computer science and are familiar with languages such as SQL, Python, and R, this could be an ideal career path. Salaries for data scientists are very high.

IT security specialists are also in high demand to help protect sensitive data and systems. As cyber threats become more frequent and sophisticated, the demand for information security roles such as security analysts, architects, and engineers grows. Relevant certifications, such as the CISSP, and expertise in risk management, compliance, and cloud security are valued.

The technology sector offers a variety of opportunities for those with the necessary skills and training. While a university degree is beneficial, many jobs, such as web development, also value practical experience. If you’re looking for an exciting career with competitive pay, tech jobs may be worth considering. The jobs of tomorrow are available today; all you have to do is go after them.

How to Apply for Technical Positions in 2024

To land one of the high-demand tech jobs opening up in Canada by 2024, you must plan ahead of time and act. Here are a few steps to get you started:

  • Learn In-Demand Skills. The technology field is constantly changing, so focus on learning skills that will be useful in 2024 and beyond. High-growth areas include AI and machine learning. AI positions such as data scientists and machine learning engineers are currently in high demand and will likely remain so.
  • Software engineering. Software engineers, particularly those with expertise in Java, C++, and Python, will find numerous opportunities.
  • UX and UI design. User experience and interface designers are essential for creating innovative digital products and services.
  • Data analysis. Data analysts, data scientists, and database administrators help businesses gain valuable insights from their data.
  • Take online courses or pursue technical degrees and certificates in these fields. Reading tech news sites and reports can help you stay on top of trends. The more in-demand skills you possess, the more competitive you will be for the best jobs.
  • Build Your Experience While degrees and certifications are valuable, real-world experience is also required. Here are some ways to gain valuable experience:
  • Internships. Internships are one of the most effective ways to gain experience. Many technology companies provide paid internship programs.
  • Co-operative programs. A co-op program offers work experience by alternating between full-time study and work periods. They are available at numerous colleges and universities.
  • Side projects. Create your own mobile app, website, or other tech project to hone your skills and demonstrate them to potential employers.
  • Freelancing. To find freelance tech work, use websites such as Upwork. Take on small jobs in your desired field to gain experience and build a portfolio.
  • Network and apply.
  • Begin actively networking and applying for jobs at least 6-12 months before you want to change careers or find a new position. Here are some steps to follow:
  • Update your LinkedIn profile to reflect your most recent skills and experience. Connect with people who are currently working in your desired technical role.
  • Attend industry events and conferences to build personal relationships. Join relevant LinkedIn and Facebook groups to stay up to date on opportunities.
  • Look up companies you’re interested in and follow them on social media. Many employers post new job openings there first, before advertising elsewhere.
  • When job postings for your desired technology role become available, apply right away. The later you apply, the more competitive it will be. Make sure your resume is tailored to the specific job.
  • Reach out to your network and request referrals or informational interviews. A referral from someone who currently works at the company can help.


That concludes the list of the best high-demand tech jobs in Canada for 2024. With the technology sector expanding at such a rapid pace, there have never been more opportunities for fulfilling and lucrative careers. Whether you’re just out of university, looking for a career change, or looking to advance in your current position, now is the time to start planning.

Do some research on the jobs that interest you, improve your skills with online courses and bootcamps, begin networking, and polish your resume. Before you know it, you could be working in an exciting new tech role, using cutting-edge tools and technologies to shape the future.

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